Monday, April 20, 2009

Nothing Exciting Ever Happens to Me

Now, I don't want to sound as though I am whining, but maybe I am, just a little bit. Several times a day I am asked a question that I have learned to dread. It is "what's new?" There are several variations to the original, but the theme remains the same. Mainly, everyone expects something noteworthy to have happened since last they saw me.

News Flash people, exciting things don't generally happen to me. I do the same things everyday with very few additions or substitutions. I live vicariously through other people and hope that someday I will have interesting stuff to share.

That Day is Today!!!

Guess what,

I had hardly wiped the sleep from my eyes when I came to the realization that while I slept, my husband had somehow disappeared. I panicked and ran from the room to try to find him. He was no where to be found. I, for no apparent reason, decided to call off the hunt and do something else, like go for a sail in my pirate ship, of which I am the captain of course.

Whilst sailing, I came across an unusual island. I decided to pull into port and take a peak around. There were waterfall and palm trees and hot springs. I decided to stick around for a while and see what happened. My first mate, Heffie the elephant, was not happy with this decision and started a mutiny aboard the ship. I was not feeling confrontational and decided to let them have the ship and I would wait for the next one to come along to get home. Alas, Heffie sucked at steering and my ship, The Stylist, was lost at sea. the only survivors were Frank and Julie, the stuffed fish, who could swim.

Mark reappeared just as I was watching my ship float away and we stretched out on the sand, drank cool fruity juices, and enjoyed the sunset on the horizon.

I will never eat honey roasted peanuts before bed ever again! Messed Up Dream!!!

But it definitely gives me something to say when I am asked what is new.