Monday, March 3, 2008

An Update

I figure that eventually I will have to get in the habit of updating this more than once a month, but for right now, I guess that any update is better than none at all. I feel so cut off from the world right now. I missed church on Sunday, due to lack of sleep and patience. I love children, but some days were not meant to be spent with eight four year olds all talking at once. I love that I have a husband who was willing to take it for the team and do everything himself.

I have been receiving a great many phone calls lately, and I figured that I would settle everything now so that there is no more confusion. Yes, I have been in the hospital lately, but it was not serious and everything is fine. Yes, I am still throwing up, but I am now on heavy doses of anti-nausea medication to keep that under control. No, there is nothing that helps the nausea. I can and will throw up any food given to me. Yes, I am still losing weight instead of gaining. This has been a major source of concern for my doctor as I have lost 30+ pounds since conception of said baby. However, the baby is still growing and developing fine, it is just my body that is having a little trouble right now. And Finally, yes I have been throwing up blood. I have been to the doctor and everything is fine. I ruptured a blood vessel in my esophagus and it bled. It has stopped and I am good as long as I don't do it again.

I am so excited to be 4 months into this pregnancy with no major disruptions. I am blessed to have a Heavenly Father who knows me and knows what I can handle as far as trials are concerned. I am not enjoying pregnancy, but I am so super excited to be trusted with a little spirit, that I will do whatever it takes to bring it here safely.

Other than that, there is really nothing new in the house of Kilistoff, other than we bought our crib and it rocks! It is so beautiful!


Vanessa said...

Jess, Sounds like a rough couple of weeks. I've been thinking about you, and hope that you will call if I can do anything for you.

Love Vanessa

Andy said...

Hey Jess, sorry that you have been so sick! That makes things hard.... I weighed less the day I went in to have Ty than I did when I got pregnant so I sort of know how it is.... and looking back it was so worth it all. Good luck!

ec said...


i had no idea. i am totally out of the loop. so sorry...i really hope that things start to look up.

let me know if i can help...

Anonymous said...


I hope you feel better. I lost 15 with this pregnancy and was also throughing up blood, same reason as you! hey at least we know we arent alone right?

stone's eye view said...

I admire your positive attitude!

Anonymous said...

Keep that attitude and you will be one amazing mom...but how could you not be you are an amazing person!