Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Our Chosen Spirit

So most of you have probably heard that our beloved child has had his calling and election made sure and has returned to dwell with Heavenly Father. For those of you who have not yet heard, I will tell you what I can.
Our baby stopped moving on Thursday, and that night we had confirmation that the baby had died. I will spare all the details and let you know that on Friday I gave birth to a beautiful, perfect baby boy. We named him Eric Andrew John Kilistoff. He was buried today at 11AM surrounded by family who will have to wait to know him.

We are so sad, but we have been so blessed through this entire process with loving family, caring doctors and nurses, and an abundance of inspiration and revelation regarding our beautiful son. I have a Father in heaven who knows and loves me. I am so thankful for my faith and the knowledge of the gospel that I have. This has given me comfort as I think of my son and the relationship that we will have to wait to have. He is our son and because we are an eternal family, he will always be our son.

Thank you to all who have tried to contact us or talked to our parents. We love and appreciate the support and prayers. We are still trying to get our heads back on straight before we really feel comfortable with people again. So thank you in advance for giving us space.


Andy said...

Jess, thank you so much for sharing that. It was beautifully written even though it holds so much sadness. I have such a strong testimony of eternal families and that the day will come when you have the opportunity to know your baby boy. I am so sorry you've had to go through this. Please know that I love ya and am thinking about you lots. Big hugs,

Unknown said...

Oh Jess...that is so sad. I am sorry to hear of your loss. Your family is most certainly in our prayers. *hugs*

ec said...

i've been thinking of you lots since i heard the news. my heart hurts for you and mark.

this is beautifully written and i so admire your faith. i too know that he will be yours again someday soon ...

space and time are good things. take as much as you need. i will be thinking of and praying for you.

Debbi said...

wow, hun. I send my most heartfelt sympathies to you and Mark. I'm so sorry for your loss and hope that the peace you may be needing finds you soon.

missLaura said...

I am so sorry Jess. Your post says it all, you will have him again and you will get to know your little angel. I feel for you guys and am thinking and praying for you.

stone's eye view said...

I love you and am thinking of you.