Saturday, August 9, 2008

Life goes on

So it has been two weeks since I thought that my world was ending, and thankfully, it didn't end.

I am so thankful for the support and love and prayers that so many people have sent our way. I am especially grateful for the space that people have given Mark and I. We have been slowly starting our lives back up and getting back into the swing of things. I think that it is because of all of the prayers that this has been a fairly painless process. We are so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful, uplifting people.

My faith continues to grow as I become more and more sure that my son chose this path for his life and I remember all of the things that I have been taught and that I learned regarding agency and eternity. I am thankful for my trials, because I know that there are people who suffer so much more than me. I am blessed with two children who didn't need to live to be tried and tested, they just needed a body and Heavenly Father trusted me to be the one to give that to them and then raise them later.

I wouldn't have wished this circumstance on anyone, but I am glad that my Heavenly Father thinks that I am strong enough to handle it, so that is what I am going to do. I am lucky that I get to be surrounded by wonderful women who are having good, healthy pregnancies. I have lots of friends and family who are expecting and I love that their situation is different than mine, because I need to know that good pregnancies happen. Children are a blessing and I am lucky to not have feelings of jealousy or bitterness towards those who have them. I think that this is another blessing, because, I think that it would be hard to be at church or even to be in this world if you harboured those kind of feelings.

I am sorry for the long post, but I felt the need to update. And, really, everyone who reads this knows that I can never shut up. See you all at some point.


missLaura said...

I am in awe of your attitude Jessica! You truly are an amazing person. I admire your courage, your outlook, you positivity and your testimony.
It would be so easy for you to be bitter. Good for you for your attitude, you are a wonderful example!

The Lawlor's said...

You're amazing and I need to have some of your faith and good attitude in the situations I face.

Anonymous said...

i agree with the above, you are amazing and so strong! We love you sooo much.

Jen - the mom said...

wish i could let you know how much i admire your faith and attitude in such a difficult situation...the computer seems a little lame.

may heavenly father continue to bless you and mark.

Maja said...

Jess - it has been killing me to give you the space you need, so I will tell you here and now. First of all, I am so, so sorry for your loss. You have been on my mind, in my thoughts and prayers. Secondly, you are an absolute inspiration. Honestly. I love your attitude and faith and I feel like I can be a better person just by knowing you. Come on osmosis...! If I could be as strong as you, one day, I would be so grateful. Love to you and Mark.

the Woods said...

i just love you!
Can't say more than that.
I'm looking forward to our walk.

ec said...

i can't say anything more than everyone else has said. you two are incredible ... an inspiration.

you are in my thoughts and prayers ...