Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Belated Anniversary Post- this is dedicated to the one I love!

By now, I hope that it is quite clear that I love and adore my wonderful husband. He is my world. On the 24th, we celebrated 3 years of marriage, and oh, what a marriage it has been so far. I joked to my mother that we have done more living in 3 years of marriage, than many couples do in ten. So we should have smooth sailing for the next 7 years, right?!

Here are some of the highlights of our time together:

1: Our first official meeting: I had demanded an introduction after hearing a sexy, deep voice answer a question in institute class. He had a gauze covered thumb, because he had tried to cut it off while drywalling the basement.
2: Our first real date: Sitting through three hours of King Kong with me covering my eyes while giant bugs ate the people on the screen.
3: The question game: A way to get to know him and to ask him all of the questions that I was afraid to ask, like did he love me?
4: The first time he said he loved me: I cried, what, didn't you!
5: When he proposed: a long awful day, followed by me storming up to my room to put something away, and wondering what was all over my floor, realizing that it was flowers and that there was a ring box sitting open on my chair.
6: Our wedding day: thinking everything would be great because we would belong to each other forever.
7: Our first few months: floating on a cloud, probably making our families ill with the PDAs.
8: First conflicts: Health, thesis work, stress, work, fertility
9: First sad tears: first miscarriage
10: Best vacation: driving out to the coast with Mark for a two and a half week long vacation.
11: Best surprise: finding out that we were pregnant, on New Year's Eve, and then I threw up. Morning sickness begins!
12: Worst vacation: driving out to Seattle for Ian's wedding
13: Silliest moment: catching him singing one of my made up songs as he did a little booty shake. (this has happened numerous times!)
14: Worst Moment: Do I really need to write it? The moment that we realized that we would have to wait until the eternities to get to know our child, again.
15: Best anniversary gift: This year's! A beautiful diamond and sapphire necklace!
16: Best moment: Every Single Day that I get to wake up next to this wonderful, caring, loving, intelligent, handsome man that I am privileged to call my husband.

There have been good times, bad times, and times in between. I wouldn't get rid of any of them if it meant that I would have to be without Mark. He is my everything.


Debbi said...

Very cute and touching post.
Happy anniversary to you two!

I hope you continue to make everyone sick in the PDAs, and never lose that!

Theresa said...

Awesome! Its good to know that no matter what happens having that one person to lean on is an amazing feeling.

Vanessa said...

You made me teary. Thank you for sharing.