Monday, November 5, 2007

The Comfort of Mundane things

This is a typical Monday for me. I wake up, do the normal waking up/getting ready things, and I drive Mark to school. Then it is my time. I do laundry, scrub floors, etc. and then I run errands. This is my day off.
I guess that I am lucky because I don't have little people trailing behind me as I clean, systematically destroying all that I have done. But, for all the monotony of having to clean everything and do everything all day, I actually don't mind it. I feel good as I check things off my list. (Yes, there is a list, mainly becuase I am anal!) Then at the end of the day I can sit back and be glad that I did what I could to keep our home as it should be. I want Mark to be able to study in peace, not worried about the mess or anything. I will admit that there are days when it seems like too much to do in a day and that I just don't have the energy. It is on these days that I move a little slower, but I know that I can get it done.
It is amazing how much we can talk ourselves into doing.


ec said...

good job!

since you love reading-i have this fabulous book, you may have already heard of it. it is so old school, but i love it.

the art of homemaking by daryl hoole, the master of a clean house.

Anonymous said...

i tagged you, see my blog for rules