Friday, November 30, 2007

Getting Older

So currently I am on the cusp of yet another birthday and I have just one question: If no one likes you when you're 23, then how do they feel about you when you are 24?

On a more serious note, I don't know if anyone else is like this, but I like to reflect when I get to a birthday. When I was in high school we were told to write out who we were going to be and what we were going to do by age 25. This was also an assignment when I was in hair school. Unfortunately, I found this list and assignment the other day while cleaning.

I say "unfortunately" because there were so many things on that list that I still haven't done, and I am running out of time. All in all, though, I was fairly proud of what I had done. I finished hair school and my degree (though the degree was in a different subject then planned); I got married and have a place to live (though not my own house); I have a job, but it isn't the one that I wanted to have; as well, I like to cook and have spent many years honing my skill, but I never took those professional cooking classes that I wanted.

I realized as I read my list, that the things that I hadn't done were the more spontaneous, adventurous things that somehow fell to the wayside when I was trying to figure the rest of my life out. I wanted (and still want) to swim with sharks in a steel cage (long story). I thought that I would have a few children by now (granted this was planned when I was 14, so cut me a little slack as to the timing thing, when you have been married for a year and a half, it would be hard to have a couple by now). I wanted to have travelled across Europe and spend several months being a lost tourist (anyone who knows my sense of direction knows that this is a distinct possibility).

I have accomplished many things and I know that I have many things yet to do, I think that I may have to change the timeline, because I am going to come up a little short!


stone's eye view said...

like you, birthdays are a big reflection for me.
you go about it a little more maturely, though
I usually look at my reflection in the mirror and count the wrinkles

The Lawlor's said...'s time for an update. I know we live in the same city but it is fun to get updated here. I'll call you when I get back after Christmas.