Tuesday, March 3, 2009

And the Winner is....

So I am sure you were all watching religously as the poor befuddled bachelor picked his girl, and then changed his mind. Not entirely sure how I feel about it. It was like he tried Melissa on for size, didn't like the fit, and then decided that Molly might suit him better. Kind of weird.

I laughed through most of the final episode and the after the rose stuff. Probably not nice of me, but I couldn't help it. Melissa sounded so fake. Also, I hate it when people talk about themselves in the third person: "Melissa was who you chose, but now you don't want to fight for Melissa!" Sheesh! Give me a break. Not that I would have behaved much better.

So now it is all over. Thank goodness Top Model starts this week. Bad television is so entertaining.

In other news: work is busy, I have a sinus cold, I found a new cookie recipe that I love, my support group is awesome!, and my parents leave in two days for Vegas (we get their cars!). All in all, not that interesting, but c'est la vie!


Anonymous said...

i totally thought melissa was fake as well

stone's eye view said...

I look forward to some bachelorette nights with Gillian!