Monday, April 5, 2010

The Fat Lady is Singing, and We All Know what that Means!

I AM DONE. Sick of multiple bathroom trips, constant heartburn, and my husband's chuckling as I waddle up and down stairs.

With only a few weeks left now I am trying to patient and grateful for the wonderful experience of pregnancy, but, I will admit to struggling a little. The physical discomfort is only one thing. As I get closer to when my last child was born, I am getting a little anxious and I have to keep reminding myself to relax and be faithful.

This pregnancy has been so different from my last and there is no reason to think that it will have anything but a happy ending. The baby is big, healthy, and extremely active. For this, I am very grateful. My health has also been great, so I can remember to be thankful for these blessings. It is only when I am alone during the day or during the middle of the night when doubt tries to seep in and ruin my happy thoughts. Oh well, as I said, only a few weeks left, then the real fun begins!

Thanks for listening to the whine, I promise to try to be better.


The Lawlor's said...

You are a trooper! You always try to be positive and I think that is a great example.

Let me know if you need anything, even if it is just to whine.

Chantel said...

It's almost time....I can hardly wait to see your baby and to hold it.

Vanessa said...

You are doing great! A little whining is called for at 8 months ;)

stone's eye view said...

Whine all you want... soon the baby will take over and you won't get to anymore.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear your good news Jess!

Maja said...

Jess - EVERYONE is counting down for you!! And feel free to whine. Yes, this has been an awesome pregnancy, but it is still pregnancy and your body is taken over by some alien life form that you love and adore - but crud! It can sometimes make you a bit mental in the interm...

Can't wait to hear your great news!!