Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Teething (Or, why I'm going to sell my child on ebay)

Sam has a couple of teeth. He has had them for a few months now, and he does quite well with them. About a month after the first two bottom teeth came in, he started to work on those top two. He is still working on them! They refuse to come through, but they have no problem causing him trouble.

He is cranky, partly because he is in pain and partly because he isn't napping well during the day. The pain of the teething wakes him up. Consequently, I am having to deal with an overtired, clingy, pain ridden toddler, all while working, taking care of the house, finishing numerous blankets, and trying to see Mark for more than an hour a day. I feel so bad for Sam, but it gets worse because Mark is sick, over worked, and tired from dealing with Sam.

So, anyone want a slightly used husband and/or a cute, kinda whiny toddler? There are days lately that I would be willing to sell them cheap. But I think that I will hold on to them a little longer. Their value is sure to go up with time.


Sharon said...

oh the simple JOYS of motherhood. i hope those teeth break through quickly and you can all enjoy each other again. :)

Chantel said...

I'll trade you children, you take my 3 and I will take your 1. I think it is a great trade.